Langevin`s Equations for Magnetization in Classical Fluid
Consider a fluid at a temperature T, with dipole moments. As the molecules collide with each other, the magnetic field exerts a mean restoring force. That is, there is a resultant magnetic moment M.
In the absence of a field, the number of randomly oriented molecules satisfy the equation
where N is the total number of dipoles &
Consider a sphere,
This can also be shown by the fractional surface area of a surrounding sphere. That is, the area obtained on the surface of the sphere when we are situated at an angle
and we moved by an angle d
, over the total surface area of the sphere.

where dN lies between
One assumes that each of the atom has a magnetic moment
The orientation of atomic magnetic dipoles with respect to external magnetic field B give rise to a magnetic potential energy given by
Therefore dN is proportional to
where C is the Normalization constant.
Each moment contributes an amount
Performing the integration and re-arranging gives
At normal temperature, cosh(u) can be expanded as
So, at normal temperature,
So, magnetic effects will be noticeable small at lower temperature for the case of classical fluid.
A typical graph of M against u would be as follows:
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