Tuesday, November 13, 2018

9702 June 2017 Paper 12 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

  • 9702 June 2017 Paper 12 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

1 B                  11 C                21 B                31 C
2 A                  12 D                22 C                32 A
3 D                  13 D                23 B                33 A
4 C                  14 C                24 A                34 C
5 B                  15 B                25 D                35 A
6 A                  16 C                26 B                36 B
7 C                  17 C                27 D                37 B
8 B                  18 A                28 B                38 A
9 C                  19 A                29 B                39 B
10 A                20 D                30 C                40 A

2 - Ans: A.
Two forces act on a circular disc as shown. Which diagram shows the line of action of the resultant force?

4 - Ans: C.
The current in a block of semiconductor is 30.0 mA when there is a potential difference (p.d.) of 10.0 V across it.

6 - Ans: A.
A ball is set in motion at P on a frictionless surface. It moves up slope PQ, along the horizontal surface QR and finally descends slope RS.

8 - Ans: B. See solution 549 at
A golf ball of mass m is dropped onto a hard surface from a height h1 and rebounds to a height h2.

9 - Ans: C.
A book of weight W is at rest on a table. A student attempts to state Newton’s third law of motion by saying that ‘action equals reaction’.

10 - Ans: A.
A metal cylinder is suspended vertically in equilibrium by a cord. The diagram shows the cylinder in four different positions P, Q, R and S.

11 - Ans: C.
In a machine, many couples act on a rotating object as shown. What is the resultant torque acting on the rotating object?

15 - Ans: B.
A cyclist is travelling at a constant speed up a hill. The frictional force resisting the cyclist’s motion is 8.0 N.

16 - Ans: C.

21 - Ans: B.
A rubber band is stretched and then relaxed to its original length. The diagram shows the force-extension graph for this process.

29 - Ans: B.
Two wave sources are oscillating in phase. Each source produces a wave of wavelength λ. The two waves from the sources meet at point X with a phase difference of 90°.

31 - Ans: C. See solution 810 at
The path of an electron with initial speed v in the uniform electric field between two parallel plates is shown.

32 - Ans: A.
The current in a circuit component is 2.00 μA. How many electrons pass through the component each second?

34 - Ans: C.
Two wires have the same length and the same resistance. Wire X is made of a metal of resistivity 1.7 × 10-8 Ω m and wire Y is made of a metal of resistivity 5.6 × 10-8 Ω m.

37 - Ans: B.
A circuit is set up as shown. The variable resistor is adjusted so that the ammeter reading decreases.


  1. 9702/11/M/J/17 qn 11 pls
    thanks in advance

    1. go to


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