Friday, October 26, 2018

9702 November 2016 Paper 11 & 13 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

  • 9702 November 2016 Paper 11 & 13 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

1 D                  11 A                21 D                31 B
2 B                  12 D                22 A                32 A
3 A                  13 A                23 A                33 C
4 A                  14 A                24 D                34 B
5 D                  15 D                25 D                35 B
6 B                  16 B                26 C                36 D
7 B                  17 C                27 A                37 A
8 C                  18 C                28 A                38 A
9 A                  19 A                29 C                39 C
10 C                20 C                30 A                40 B


3 - Ans: A.
An aeroplane can fly at a velocity X when moving through still air. When flying in wind the aeroplane’s velocity relative to the ground is Y.

4 - Ans: A.
A voltmeter gives readings that are larger than the true values and has a systematic error that varies with voltage.

6 - Ans: B.
A cyclist pedals along a raised horizontal track. At the end of the track, he travels horizontally into the air and onto a track that is vertically 2.0 m lower.

7 - Ans: B.
An astronaut on the Moon, where there is no air resistance, throws a ball. The ball’s initial velocity has a vertical component of 8.00 m s-1 and a horizontal component of 4.00 m s-1, as shown.

11 - Ans: A.
A car has mass m. A person needs to push the car with force F in order to give the car  acceleration a.

15 - Ans: D. See solution 88 at
Four beams of the same length each have three forces acting on them.

16 - Ans: B.
An air-conditioning unit is supported by a rigid beam PQ, as shown.

19 - Ans: A.
A truck of mass 500 kg moves from rest at the top of a section of track 400 m long and 30 m high, as shown. The frictional force acting on the truck is 250 N throughout its journey.

25 - Ans: D.
The graph shows the variation with time of the displacement X of a gas molecule as a continuous sound wave passes through a gas.

26 - Ans: C.
The warning signal on an ambulance has a frequency of 600 Hz. The speed of sound is 330 m s-1.

31 - Ans: B.
The diagram shows an electric field pattern caused by two positive and two negative point charges of equal magnitude placed at the four corners of a square.

32 - Ans: A.
Two large horizontal metal plates are separated by 4 mm. The lower plate is at a potential of –80 V.

36 - Ans: D.
In the circuit shown, the reading on the ammeter is zero. The four resistors have different resistances R1, R2, R3 and R4.


  1. Can you explain Question 16 9702/11/O/N/16 ? Thanks.

  2. can you add Question 15 of this same year

  3. question 31 of oct/nov 2016 paper 13 please

  4. THANK YOU SO MUCH, was very helpful. :)
    Please try posting explanation for all questions for convenience.
    I learnt alot from reading explanations from the answers I knew as well.
    Thanks again.

  5. THANK YOU SO MUCH, was very helpful :)
    can u also post in explanation for Q6, 17

  6. Can you please add the solution for question 32?

  7. Thank you so much for this website...It is really helpful...Can you please add the solution for question 36?

  8. What does added mean...where are they added

    1. the link has been updated and added above


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