Wednesday, December 13, 2017

9702 June 2015 Paper 12 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

  • 9702 June 2015 Paper 12 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

1 C                  11 D                21 A                31 C
2 D                  12 C                22 B                32 A
3 C                  13 A                23 C                33 A
4 C                  14 B                24 C                34 D
5 D                  15 C                25 B                35 A
6 C                  16 D                26 C                36 B
7 D                  17 D                27 B                37 A
8 D                  18 D                28 B                38 A
9 C                  19 A                29 B                39 C
10 C                20 B                30 B                40 C

Notes for specific questions:

4 - Ans: C.

5 - Ans: D. See solution 972 at
A power supply of electromotive force (e.m.f.)50 V and negligible internal resistance is connected in series with resistors of resistance 100 Ω and 5 Ω, as shown.

6 - Ans: C. See solution 1068 at
A single sheet of aluminium foil is folded twice to produce a stack of four sheets. The total thickness of the stack of sheets is measured to be (0.80 ± 0.02) mm.

9 - Ans: C.

10 - Ans: C.
A firework rocket is fired vertically upwards. The fuel burns and produces a constant upwards force on the rocket.

12 - Ans: C.

14 - Ans: B. See solution 974 at
A ladder is positioned on icy (frictionless) ground and is leant against a rough wall. At the instant of release it begins to slide.

15 - Ans: C.
A uniform solid block has weight 500 N, width 0.4 m and height 0.6 m. The block rests on the edge of a step of depth 0.8 m, as shown.

16 - Ans: D. See solution 977 at
The diagram shows a hydroelectric power station.  The reservoir is linked to the turbines by a pipe of uniform cross-sectional area.

20 - Ans: B.
The maximum pressure that granite rock can withstand is 2.0 × 108 N m-2. Above this pressure, the rock begins to flow like a liquid.

23 - Ans: C. See solution 1069 at
The diagram represents a steel tube with wall thickness w which is small in comparison with the diameter of the tube.

24 - Ans: C. See solution 1063 at

25 - Ans: B.
What is a possible distance between two points on the wave that have a phase difference of 60°?

27 - Ans: B.
Source S emits microwaves with a constant amplitude. The microwaves hit a metal screen P and are reflected.

30 - Ans: B.
A charged oil drop of mass m, with n excess electrons, is held stationary in the uniform electric field between two horizontal plates separated by a distance d.

35 - Ans: A. See solution 1111 at
Each of Kirchhoff's two laws presumes that some quantity is conserved.

36 - Ans: B. See solution 1118 at
A potential divider circuit consists of fixed resistors of resistance 2.0 Ω and 4.0 Ω connected in series with a 3.0 Ω resistor fitted with a sliding contact.

39 - Ans: C.
A radioactive substance contains a number of identical nuclei that emit β-particles. Which property of these nuclei remains unaltered by the emission?


  1. Can I get MCQ no 9 Explanation please?

  2. Number 15 plzz ..really need it

  3. Can i please get explanation for mcq 10

  4. Assalamualaikum , ques 27 . Syukran .

  5. can i pls have the answer for the 30 and 25 question.
    thank you

  6. Can I plz get the answer for question 37

  7. Could you kindly add Q7
    Thank you

  8. Apologies, Q7 is not needed by me anymore, I accidentally had the wrong paper open

  9. Replies
    1. which paper?

      a list of papers is available at

  10. Aslm quest 32 and 39 pls, jazakallah khair


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