Tuesday, August 26, 2014

9702 June 2011 Paper 22 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

  • 9702 June 2011 Paper 22 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

Paper 22

Question 1
Distinguish between scalar and vector quantities:
A scalar quantity has only a magnitude while a vector quantity bas both a magnitude and a direction.

Underline all scalars:
Acceleration    force    kinetic energy              mass    power  weight

Stone thrown with horizontal velocity of 20ms-1 from top of cliff 15m high. Path of stone shown. Air resistance negligible.
For the stone,
Time to fall 15m:
s = ut + ½at2
15 = 0 + ½(9.81)t2    
t = 1.7s

Magnitude of resultant velocity after 15m:
Let the vertical component be vv
vv2 = u2 +2as = 0 + 2(9.81)(15)           or  vv = u +at = 0 + 9.81x1.7(5)
vv = 17.16ms-1
So, for resultant velocity: v2 = (17.16)2 + (20)2
v = 26ms-1  

Difference between displacement of stone and distance that it travels:
The distance is the actual path travelled. The displacement is the straight line distance between start and finish points (in that direction) / minimum distance.

Question 2
{Detailed explanations for this question is available as Solution 491 at Physics 9702 Doubts | Help Page 95 - http://physics-ref.blogspot.com/2015/03/physics-9702-doubts-help-page-95.html}

Question 3
Work done is equal to the product of force and the distance moved / displacement in the direction of the force.

Power is defined as the rate of doing work / work done per unit time.

Fig shows part of fairground rode with a carriage on rails. Carriage and passengers have total mass of 600kg. Carriage travelling at speed of 9.5ms-1 towards slope inclined at 30o to horizontal. Carriage comes to rest after travelling up slope to a vertical height of 4.1m.
Kinetic energy in kJ of carriage and passengers as they travel towards slope:
KE = ½mv2 = 0.5 x 600 x (9.5)2 = 27075J = 27kJ

Show gain in potential energy of carriage and passengers = 24kJ:
PE = mgh = 600 x 9.81 x 4.1 = 24132J = 24kJ

Work done against resistive force as carriage moves up slope:
Work done against resistive force = 27 – 24 = 3.0kJ

Use answer to (iii) to calculate resistive force acting against carriage as it moves up slope:
the distance along slope = 4.1 / sin30o = 8.2m
Resistive force = 3000 / 8.2 = 366N

Question 4
Student measures Young modulus of a metal in the form of a wire.

Describe, with aid of diagram, the apparatus that could be used:

A clamped horizontal wire a pulley or a vertical wire attached to ceiling with mass attached.
Details: a reference mark on wire with a fixed scale alongside

Method used to obtain required measurements:
The original length of the wire is measured up to the reference mark with a metre ruler / tape. The diameter of the wire is measured with a micrometer / digital calipers. The initial and final reading (for the extension) of the wire is measured with a metre ruler or other suitable scale. The mass or weight used for the extension is measured / recorded.

Some good physics method:
The diameter is measured in several places / remove the load and check whether the wire returns to its original length / take several readings with different loads  

How measurements taken can be used to determine Young modulus:
The extension is determined from the final and initial readings. A graph of force against extension is plotted and the gradient of the graph for F/e is determined. The area is calculated from πd2/4.
The Young modulus, E is calculated from E = Fl / eA or (gradient x l/A)

Question 5
{Detailed explanations for this question is available as Solution 522 at Physics 9702 Doubts | Help Page 101 - http://physics-ref.blogspot.com/2015/04/physics-9702-doubts-help-page-101.html}

Question 6
{Detailed explanations for this question is available as Solution 636 at Physics 9702 Doubts | Help Page 126 - http://physics-ref.blogspot.com/2015/04/physics-9702-doubts-help-page-126.html}


  1. For question 4(a) can you provide the drawing? Thank you

  2. please provide the drawing for question 2 b (ii)

    1. Details have been updated for this question

  3. please explain question 5 b i

    1. Detailed explanations have been added for that part

  4. Two springs P and Q both obey Hooke’s law. They have spring constants 2k and k respectively.
    The springs are stretched, separately, by a force that is gradually increased from zero up to a
    certain maximum value, the same for each spring. The work done in stretching spring P is WP,
    and the work done in stretching spring Q is WQ.
    How is WP related to WQ?
    Oct/Nov 2002 Q 24

    1. check solution 511 at

  5. Jazakallah !
    Firstly,This site is very helpful. I admire your work.
    Thank you for this !
    Secondly, I don't get required questions on the site.
    Despite the fact that they are available on this site. I search in the search bar but they don't appear.
    Like the one above. I searched but I couldn't find it but you got me the link.
    So If I don't find my required question, how shall I find it?

    1. No problem, Glad that it helps.
      When you your search entry in the search box and press the button, does a box showing the result not appear in the middle?

      Else you could identify the reference for the (question year, variant, question number,..,) and see if it has already been solved at the list available at

      (The link for the above is available on every page at the top-right, under 'Important links')

      OR else,
      go to google.com and type
      and next to it, type the question. you should obtain result on this blog. but basically, this is the same as the first method i just mnetioned.

    2. Actually, for the one above, I added it after reading your comment

  6. It does appear, if its available. If it's not, then it shows 'no result'.
    Which does happen quite some times.
    Anyways, If I have a question. I'll post it in the comment box and ask you.
    If I don't get it on the site.
    Jazakallah !

    1. OK. Be sure to give the year of the paper, variant and qu no1 too.

  7. Q.1A potential divider is used to give outputs of 2V and 3V from a source, as shown.
    What are the the possible values for the resistances R1, R2 and R3?
    Q.2 The diagram shows a potential divider connected to a 9.0 V supply of negligible internal resistance. What range of voltages can be obtained between P and Q?
    I need explanation to these two MCQ's !

    1. For the first one, check q545 at

      if possible, try to include the reference too

  8. May/June 2004 Q #34
    May/June 2005 Q#34
    Oct/Nov 2012 variant 13 Q # 35,36

    1. May 2004 Q34 is explained at

      the others will be added later

    2. June 2005 Paper 1 Q34 explained as solution 560 at

  9. how did you do question 6(ii) and in 6(b), why did you multiply 2.3^-3 by 2?

  10. Hi,
    I really like your site it is extremely helpful.Could you please help me out with may/june 2011 paper 23, question 6 b), as I couldn't find the solution of it anywhere?

    Thanks a tonne!:)

    1. Check question 41 at

  11. can you please draw Q2(b) june 2011 paper 23

    1. Check solution 694 at

  12. can you also draw the graph for Q3d(ii) june 2011 paper 23

    1. Check question 698 at

  13. Please draw the following
    - Q2(b) and Q3d(ii) of June 2011 paper 23
    - Q1c(ii) and Q2(c) of June 2012 paper 23

    1. For Q2(c) of June 2012 paper 23, see solution 670 at

  14. HI
    Plz provide the 9702 June 2011 Paper 21 Worked Solutions as well. I am Muhammad Kamran Khalil from Beaconhouse School System, Lahore.

    1. Specify the questions to which you are having problems in that paper.

  15. Please explain 5 ( b) parts (I) and (ii) in paper 23 of June 11.

    1. See solution 682 at


If it's a past exam question, do not include links to the paper. Only the reference.
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