Monday, April 20, 2020

Monochromatic light of wavelength λ is incident on two narrow slits S1 and S2, a small distance apart.

Question 34
Monochromatic light of wavelength λ is incident on two narrow slits S1 and S2, a small distance apart. A series of bright and dark fringes are observed on a screen a long distance away from the slits.

The n th dark fringe from the central bright fringe is observed at point P on the screen.

Which equation is correct for all positive values of n?
A S2P – S1P = nλ / 2
B S2P – S1P = nλ
C S2P – S1P = (n – ½)λ
D S2P – S1P = (n + ½)λ

Reference: Past Exam Paper – June 2017 Paper 13 Q28

Answer: C. 

Dark fringes are formed when destructive interference occurs.

For destructive interference, the path difference should be 0.5λ, 1.5λ, 2.5λ, 3.5λ … [B is incorrect]

Consider option A.
Path difference = nλ /2
When n = 1, path difference = ½ λ
When n = 2, path difference = 2 λ / 2 = λ      [A is incorrect]

Consider option D.
When n = 1, path difference = (1 + ½) λ = 3λ / 2
This equation suggest that the first dark fringe occurs at 3λ / 2. [D is incorrect]

Consider option C.
When n = 1, path difference = (1 – ½) λ = λ / 2
This equation suggest that the path difference for the first dark fringe is equal to λ / 2 (= 0.5λ), which is correct.


  1. Why is D wrong?, 1.5lambda is destructive interference

    1. as stated in the question, n is always positive.

      Considering option D,
      when n = 1, the path diff = 1.5 lambda

      while option C,
      when n = 1, the path diff = 0.5 lambda

      so, option D does not account for the first destructive interference of 0.5 lambda


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