Friday, March 20, 2020

A π0 meson is a sub-atomic particle. A stationary π0 meson, which has mass 2.4 × 10-28 kg, decays to form two γ-ray photons.

Question 9
A π0 meson is a sub-atomic particle.

A stationary π0 meson, which has mass 2.4 × 10-28 kg, decays to form two γ-ray photons.

The nuclear equation for this decay is
π0 γ  + γ

(a) Explain why the two γ-ray photons have the same energy. [2]

(b) Determine, for each γ-ray photon,
(i) the energy, in joule, [2]

(ii) the wavelength, [2]

(iii) the momentum. [2]

Reference: Past Exam Paper – June 2010 Paper 41 Q8

(a) As a consequence of the conservation of momentum, the momenta of the photons must be equal and opposite. Since the photons have the same momenta, they must then have the same energy.

{We need to calculate the energy of a single photon.
Mass = 1.2×10-28 kg

Einstein’s mass-energy relation:}
(Δ)E = (Δ)mc2                                            
(Δ)E = 1.2×10-28 × (3.0×108)2
(Δ)E = 1.08×10-11 J            

E = hc / λ

{λ = hc / E}
λ = (6.63×10-34 × 3.0×108) / (1.08×10-11)          
λ = 1.84×10-14 m                                          

{de Broglie wavelength:}
λ = h / p
p = (6.63×10-34) / (1.84×10-14)
p = 3.6×10-20 N s

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