Tuesday, January 7, 2020

On Fig. 4.1, complete the two graphs to illustrate what is meant by the amplitude A, the wavelength λ and the period T of a progressive wave.

Question 31
(a) On Fig. 4.1, complete the two graphs to illustrate what is meant by the amplitude A, the wavelength λ and the period T of a progressive wave.

Ensure that you label the axes of each graph.
Fig. 4.1

(b) A horizontal string is stretched between two fixed points X and Y. A vibrator is used to oscillate the string and produce a stationary wave. Fig. 4.2 shows the string at one instant in time.
Fig. 4.2

The speed of a progressive wave along the string is 30 m s-1. The stationary wave has a
period of 40 ms.

(i) Explain how the stationary wave is formed on the string. [2]

(ii) A particle on the string oscillates with an amplitude of 13 mm. At time t, the particle has zero displacement.

1. the displacement of the particle at time (t + 100 ms),
2. the total distance moved by the particle from time t to time (t + 100 ms).

(iii) Determine
1. the frequency of the wave, [1]
2. the horizontal distance from X to Y. [3]
[Total: 12]

Reference: Past Exam Paper – November 2018 Paper 23 Q4

graph with x-axis labelled ‘distance’ and wavelength/λ correctly shown
graph with x-axis labelled ‘time’ and period/T correctly shown                     
graph with y-axis labelled ‘displacement’ and amplitude/A correctly shown

(i) The wave moves along the string and gets reflected at the fixed point. The incident and reflected wave interfere to form the stationary wave.

{A particle on the string can only move up and down.

Let the particle be at a displacement of +13 mm initially.

In a time equal to the period (= 40 ms), the particle would have moved and reached its same position again. That is, in 1 period, the particle moves
1. from +13 mm (max position above equilibrium) to the equilibrium position
2. from equilibrium position to – 13 mm (max position below equilibrium)    [this is half a period]
3. from + 13 mm back to equilibrium position
4. from equilibrium position back to + 13 mm

Since the period is 40 ms, each of these step would take 10 ms as after 1 period, the particle should regain its original position.

A time of t + 100 ms means that we want to find the position after 100 ms.
But first, we need to find out how many periods are there in 100 ms.}

{Number of periods =} 100 / 40          or 2.5 (cycles/periods/T)

{So in 100 ms, the particle would have travelled 2 and a half cycle {it has completed two and a half oscillations}. But we know that after each cycle, the particle regains its original position. After the 2 complete cycle, the particle is at its original position again. Half a cycle remains.

From above, in half a cycle (step 2 of 4), the particle would be at the equilibrium position.}

displacement = 0

{Again, from above, in a time of one period, the particle has completed these 4 steps. In each step, the particle moves a distance of 13 mm.
In one period, distance travelled = 13 + 13 + 13 + 13 = 52 mm
In two period, distance travelled = 52 × 2 = 104 mm
In half a cycle, distance travelled = 13 + 13 = 26 mm
Total distance travelled = 104 + 26 = 130 mm}

distance = 130 mm

{Frequency = 1 / period}
f = 1 / (40×10-3)
f = 25 Hz

v = fλ                           or λ = vT
λ = 30 / 25                   or 30 × 40×10-3 (= 1.2 m)      
{distance from X to Y is one and a half wavelength (1.5λ)}
distance = 1.2 × 1.5
distance = 1.8 m

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