Thursday, July 25, 2019

A paraglider P of mass 95 kg is pulled by a wire attached to a boat, as shown in Fig. 2.1.

Question 28
(a) State the two conditions for a system to be in equilibrium. [2]

(b) A paraglider P of mass 95 kg is pulled by a wire attached to a boat, as shown in Fig. 2.1.

Fig. 2.1

The wire makes an angle of 25° with the horizontal water surface. P moves in a straight line parallel to the surface of the water.

The variation with time t of the velocity v of P is shown in Fig. 2.2.

Fig. 2.2
(i) Show that the acceleration of P is 1.4 m s-2 at time t = 5.0 s. [2]

(ii) Calculate the total distance moved by P from time t = 0 to t = 7.0 s. [2]

(iii) Calculate the change in kinetic energy of P from time t = 0 to t = 7.0 s. [2]

(iv) The tension in the wire at time t = 5.0 s is 280 N.

Calculate, for the horizontal motion,
1. the vertical lift force F supporting P, [3]
2. the force R due to air resistance acting on P in the horizontal direction. [3]
[Total: 14]

Reference: Past Exam Paper – June 2017 Paper 21 Q2

resultant force (in any direction) is zero
resultant torque/moment (about any point) is zero

{We can either use the formula a = v-u / t or the gradient of the graph. The graph at t = 5.0 s is a straight line, so the gradient is constant.}
a = (v u) / t               or gradient                  or Δv / (Δ)t
{Example: consider the points (7.0, 8.8) and (4.0, 4.6)}
e.g. a = (8.8 4.6) / (7.0 – 4.0) = 1.4 m s-2                                     

{The distance travelled is given by the area under the velocity-time graph. The area may be broken down into a rectangle and a trapezium.
Area of rectangle (from t = 0 to t = 4.0 s) = (4.6 × 4) m
Area of trapezium (from t = 4.0 s to t = 7.0 s) = ½ × (8.8 + 4.6) × 3 m
Recall: area of trapezium = ½ × sum of parallel sides × height}
s = (4.6×4) + [(8.8 + 4.6) / 2] × 3
s = 18.4 + 20.1
s = 39 (38.5) m

{KE = ½ mv2
We need to consider the speeds at t = 0 s and at t = 7.0 s.}
ΔE = ½ × 95 × [(8.8)2 (4.6)2]
ΔE = 3678 – 1005
ΔE = 2700 (2673) J               

{Since the boat is moving horizontally, the resultant vertical force is zero at P.
Forces at P: Weight (down), Vertical component of tension (down), Lift force F (up)
Lift F = Vertical component of tension + Weight

W = mg}
weight = 95 × 9.81 (= 932 N)
vertical tension force = 280 sin 25°    or 280 cos 65° (=118.3 N)

{Lift F = Vertical component of tension + Weight}
F = 932 + 118
F = 1100 (1050) N

{Resultant force = Horizontal tension force – Air resistance R}
horizontal tension force = 280 cos 25° or 280 sin 65° (= 253.8 N)

{Resultant force = ma}
resultant force = 95 × 1.4 (= 133 N)
133 = 253.8 – R
R = 120 (120.8) N


  1. In biv part 1. how do we figure out the arrow on the resultant tension force (wire) is towards the boat and not towards the paraglider?

    I took it towards the paraglider and hence got the vertical component of the tension force upwards.

    1. it is accelerating, so the resultant force should be forwards, towards the boat


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