Thursday, May 16, 2019

Two identical batteries each have e.m.f. 6.0 V and internal resistance r. The batteries are connected to an external resistor of resistance 11 Ω, as shown.

Question 25
Two identical batteries each have e.m.f. 6.0 V and internal resistance r. The batteries are connected to an external resistor of resistance 11 Ω, as shown.

The current in the external resistor is 0.50 A.

What is the internal resistance r of each battery?
A 1.0 Ω           B 2.0 Ω           C 4.0 Ω           D 6.5 Ω

Reference: Past Exam Paper – June 2016 Paper 13 Q37

Answer: B.

From Kirchhoff’s law, the sum of p.d. across any loop is equal to the sum of e.m.f. in that loop.

Consider any one of the two loops.

Ohm’s law: V = IR
p.d. across 11 Ω resistor = 11 × 0.50 = 5.5 V

5.5 V + p.d. across internal resistance = 6.0 V
So the p.d. across each internal resistance = 6.0 – 5.5 = 0.5 V.

Now, as the 0.50 A current enters the junction, it splits equally into the 2 branches since the internal resistances of both batteries are equal.

Current through each internal resistance = 0.25 A.

V = IR
Internal resistance r = 0.5 V / 0.25 A = 2.0 Ω.


  1. Can u please give the detail of how these components are connected?

  2. Can u please give the detail of how these components are connected?why are we considering one the loops in series to calculate r?

    1. when considering one loop, the components in the loop are in series. this is because the SAME current flows through them.

      for a parallel circuit, the current splits.


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