Saturday, March 2, 2019

A student carries out an experiment to determine the specific heat capacity of a liquid using the apparatus illustrated in Fig. 3.1.

Question 3
(a) Define specific heat capacity. [2]

(b) A student carries out an experiment to determine the specific heat capacity of a liquid using the apparatus illustrated in Fig. 3.1.

Fig. 3.1

Liquid enters the tube at a constant temperature of 19.5 °C and leaves the tube at
a temperature of 25.5 °C. The mass of liquid flowing through the tube per unit time is m.
Electrical power P is dissipated in the heating coil.

The student changes m and adjusts P until the final temperature of the liquid leaving the tube is 25.5 °C.

The data shown in Fig. 3.2 are obtained.

m / g s-1               P/ W
1.11                 33.3
1.58                 44.9
Fig. 3.2

(i) Suggest why the student obtains data for two values of m, rather than for one value. [1]
(ii) Calculate the specific heat capacity of the liquid. [3]

(c) When the heating coil in (b) dissipates 33.3 W of power, the potential difference V across the coil is given by the expression
V = 27.0 sin (395t ).

The potential difference is measured in volts and the time t is measured in seconds.
Determine the resistance of the coil. [3]
[Total: 9]

Reference: Past Exam Paper – March 2016 Paper 42 Q3

(a) Specific heat capacity is the (thermal) energy per unit mass required to raise the temperature of a substance by one degree

(i) To allow for the heat losses to (or gained from) the surroundings.

{Heat energy = mass × specific heat capacity × change in temperature
H = mcΔθ

Divide by time,
H/t = mcΔθ / t

Power = (m/t)cΔθ
where H/t is the energy / time which is the power
m/t is the mass of liquids flowing through the tube per unit time (in this question it is m – see the unit from the table; it is ‘g s-1’ and not ‘g’.)

To account for the heat exchange with the surroundings, we include ±h.}

EITHER P = mcΔθ ± h
{We can obtain 2 different equations from the 2 set of readings.}
OR 44.9 = 1.58×10–3 × c × (25.5 – 19.5) ± h
OR 33.3 = 1.11×10–3 × c × (25.5 – 19.5) ± h            

{The value of h is actually unknown. BUT if we consider both equation at the same time, it can be eliminated by subtracting the 2 equations.}
(44.9 – 33.3) = (1.58 – 1.11) × 10–3 × c × (25.5 – 19.5)

c = 4100 (4110) J kg–1 K–1                                        

{Power dissipated, P = V2 / R

The formula is usually of the form: V = V0 sin (ωt)    where V0 is the peak voltage (from a.c.)

So, V0 = 27 V                          or Vrms = V0 / 2 = 27 / 2 = 19.1 V}
V0 = 27                                    or Vrms = 19.1

{Since the voltage changes with time, we need to use the rms voltage in calculations.
P = (V0/2)2 / R                       or P = Vrms2 / R
P = V02 / 2R                            or P = Vrms2 / R }
33.3 = 272 / 2R                        or 33.3 = 19.12 / R
R = 11 Ω


  1. Why is the valuw of R in 2 sf ?

    1. resistances are usually given as whole numbers

  2. Isnt it supposed to be P=(m/t)c(thelta) +h instead of P=mc(thelta)+h ?

    1. yes, but the question says that the mass per unit time is m.

      so, what we usually label as m/t is actually represented as 'm' in this question


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