Saturday, February 2, 2019

A network of resistors, each of resistance R, is shown in Fig. 7.1.

Question 22
(a) A network of resistors, each of resistance R, is shown in Fig. 7.1.

Fig. 7.1

Switches S1 and S2 may be ‘open’ or ‘closed’.

Complete Fig. 7.2 by calculating the resistance, in terms of R, between points X and Y
for the switches in the positions shown.

Fig. 7.2

(b) Two cells of e.m.f. E
1 and E2 and negligible internal resistance are connected into a
network of resistors, as shown in Fig. 7.3.

Fig. 7.3

The currents in the network are as indicated in Fig. 7.3.

Use Kirchhoff’s laws to state the relation
(i) between currents I1, I2, I3 and I4, [1]

(ii) between E1, E2, R, and I3 in loop NKLMN, [1]

(iii) between E2, R, I3 and I4 in loop NKQN. [1]

Reference: Past Exam Paper – June 2009 Paper 22 Q7

{When the switches are open, no current would flow. This means that the resistance is infinite.}

(R + R =) 2R              
{Since switch S1 is open, no current flows in the left branch of resistors. These 2 resistors can be neglected in the effective resistance.}

([1/2R + 1/2R]-1 =) R 
{When both switches are closed, current flows through all the resistors.}

(i) I1 + I3 = I2 + I4
{Sum of current entering junction N = Sum of current leaving junction N}

(ii) E2 – E1 = I3R        
{From Kirchhoff’s law, the overall e.m.f. in a loop is equal to the sum of p.d. in the loop.

Considering the loop NKLMN, we have to consider 2 different currents: I1 and I3 which are in opposite direction.

I1 comes from cell E1 and I3 from cell E2. We need to identify which of the two cells is greater in e.m.f.

Since the current flowing through the resistor is I3 (and not I1), we can conclude that E2 is greater than E1.

This is why we consider the E2 – E1 and not E1 – E2.}

(iii) E2 = I3R + 2I4R
{From Kirchhoff’s law, the overall e.m.f. in a loop is equal to the sum of p.d. in the loop.}


  1. I don't get how current from two different batteries flows in one circuit

    1. just like the current is different branches are different.

      the current from the batteries may be different BUT the sum of current entering a junction should be equal to the sum of current leaving the junction


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