Monday, January 14, 2019

Fig. 8.1 shows a circuit incorporating an ideal operational amplifier (op-amp).

Question 5
(a) Fig. 8.1 shows a circuit incorporating an ideal operational amplifier (op-amp).

Fig. 8.1

The voltages applied to the inverting and the non-inverting inputs are V1 and V2 respectively.

State the value of the output voltage VOUT when
(i) V1 > V2,
(ii) V1 < V2. [1]

(b) The circuit of Fig. 8.2 is used to monitor the input voltage VIN.

Fig. 8.2

At point A, a potential of 5.0 V is maintained. At point B, a potential of 3.0 V is

Complete Fig. 8.3 by indicating with a tick () the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that are
conducting for the input voltages VIN shown. Also, mark with a cross (x) those LEDs that
are not conducting.

VIN / V              red LED           green LED
Fig. 8.3

(c) The input voltage VIN in (b) is provided by a sensor circuit.

(i) Complete Fig. 8.4 to show a sensor circuit that will provide a voltage output that
increases as the temperature of the sensor decreases. Show clearly the output
connections from the circuit. [2]

Fig. 8.4

(ii) Explain the operation of the sensor circuit. [3]

Reference: Past Exam Paper – November 2007 Paper 4 Q8

(i) - 9 V
{This is a comparator circuit as voltages are applied to both the inverting and non-inverting voltages.
When V2 is greater than V1, the output is positive and when V1 is greater than V2, the output is negative.
Since the one of the voltages is greater than the other, the output would be saturated and thus, equal to the supply voltage of 9V.}

(ii) + 9 V

VIN / V             red LED          green LED
+2.0                 cross                cross               
+4.0                 tick                  cross               
+6.0                 tick                  tick                 

{Current flows from a positive potential to a negative potential. Since the bottom line is at earth (0 V), for current to flow from the op-amp to the earth line, the output voltage from the op-amp should be positive.
So, both LEDs would conduct when the output is positive.

VIN is connected to the non-inverting input (V+) of both op-amps.
The inverting input V- for the op-amp connected to the red LED is at 3.0 V while that for the op-amp connected to the green LED is at 5.0 V.

So, for the red LED to light up, VIN should be greater than 3.0 V (so that the output is positive) and for the green LED to light up. VIN should be greater than 5.0 V (so that the output is positive).}


A thermistor and a resistor is shown in series.
The output connections are across the thermistor.

As the temperature decreases, the resistance of the thermistor increases.
The potential difference across the thermistor = V × [RT / (R+RT)]. 
So, as the resistance of the thermistor RT increases, the output also increases.

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