Tuesday, January 1, 2019

A stone of mass m falls from rest at the top of a cliff of height h into the sea below. Just before hitting the sea the stone has speed v.

Question 18
A stone of mass m falls from rest at the top of a cliff of height h into the sea below. Just before hitting the sea the stone has speed v.

What is the average force of air resistance acting on the stone during its fall?

Reference: Past Exam Paper – June 2017 Paper 12 Q16

Answer: C.

The stone possesses gravitational potential energy at the top of the cliff.

As the stone falls, the gravitational potential energy possesses by the stone is converted into kinetic energy. However, some energy is lost due to work against air resistance.

From the conservation of energy,
GPE of stone at top = KE of stone at bottom + Work done against air resistance

GPE of stone = mgh

KE of stone = ½ mv2

Work done against air resistance = Resistive force × distance moved against the force
Work done against air resistance = F × h

GPE of stone at top = KE of stone at bottom + Work done against air resistance
mgh = ½ mv2 + Fh
F×h = mgh – ½ mv2
F×h = m (gh – ½ v2)

F = m (gh – ½ v2) / h
F = m (g – v2/2h)


  1. where did the h go ? the h with gh before the final answer

  2. where did the h go with the gh before the final anser

    1. both terms in bracket are divided by h.

      gh / h = g

      1/2 v^2 / h = v^2 / 2h


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