Friday, January 4, 2019

A leisure-park ride consists of a carriage that moves along a railed track.

Question 19
(a) Explain what is meant by
(i) work done, [1]

(ii) kinetic energy. [1]

(b) A leisure-park ride consists of a carriage that moves along a railed track. Part of the track lies in a vertical plane and follows an arc XY of a circle of radius 13 m, as shown in Fig. 2.1.

Fig. 2.1

The mass of the carriage is 580 kg. At point X, the carriage has velocity 22 m s-1 in a horizontal direction. The velocity of the carriage then decreases to 12 m s-1 in a vertical direction at point Y.

(i) For the carriage moving from X to Y
1. show that the decrease in kinetic energy is 9.9 × 104 J, [2]
2. calculate the gain in gravitational potential energy. [2]

(ii) Show that the length of the track from X to Y is 20 m. [1]

(iii) Use your answers in (b)(i) and (b)(ii) to calculate the average resistive force acting on the carriage as it moves from X to Y. [2]

(iv) Describe the change in the direction of the linear momentum of the carriage as it moves from X to Y. [1]

(v) Determine the magnitude of the change in linear momentum when the carriage moves from X to Y. [3]
[Total: 13]

Reference: Past Exam Paper – March 2018 Paper 22 Q2

(i) Work done is defined as the product of force and the distance moved in the direction of the force.

(ii) Kinetic energy is the energy (of a mass/body) due to motion / speed / velocity

{Since the speed changes, the carriage would have different kinetic energies at X and Y. The decrease in KE can be calculated as follows:
Decrease in KE = KE at X – KE at Y}
E = ½ mv2
(Δ)E = ½ × 580 × (222 – 122) = 9.9 × 104 J

{When moving from X to Y, the carriage gains a vertical height of 13 m.}
(Δ)E = mg(Δ)h
ΔE = 580 × 9.81 × 13
ΔE = 7.4 × 104 J

{The arc XY forms a quarter of the circumference a circle.
Arc XY = circumference / 4 = 2πr / 4}
length = (2π×13) / 4    or (π×26) / 4   or (π×13) / 2 = 20 m

{The loss in KE was found to be 9.9 × 104 J while the gain in GPE was calculated to be 7.4 × 104 J.
This difference implies that some work has been done against resistance forces.

Work done against resistive force = (9.9 × 104 – 7.4 × 104) J
Also, work done = force × distance
The distance moved is along the arc XY (= 20 m).}

Average resistive force = (9.9 × 104 – 7.4 × 104) / 20           
Average resistive force = 1300 N

(iv) From horizontal/right {at X} to vertical / up {at Y}             or by 90°

{Momentum is a vector.
Here, the momentum vector has changed from horizontal (at X) to vertical {at Y}. We cannot have the change by simple calculation. We need to find the resultant momentum vector just like we find the resultant of other vectors.

Change in momentum = final momentum – initial momentum
Change in momentum = momentum at Y pY – momentum at X pX}

p = mv             or (580 × 22)   or (580 × 12)

{The magnitude of the change in momentum can be found using Pythagoras’ theorem.}
Δp = [ (580×12)2 + (580×22)2 ]0.5
Δp = 1.5 × 104 N s


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