Saturday, December 29, 2018

A charged oil drop of mass m, with n excess electrons, is held stationary in the uniform electric field between two horizontal plates separated by a distance d.

Question 8
A charged oil drop of mass m, with n excess electrons, is held stationary in the uniform electric field between two horizontal plates separated by a distance d.

The voltage between the plates is V, the elementary charge is e and the acceleration of free fall is g.

What is the value of n ?
A eV / mgd                  B mgd / eV                  C meV / gd                  D gd / meV

Reference: Past Exam Paper – June 2015 Paper 12 Q30

Answer: B.

The oil drop has an excess of electrons, so it is negatively charged.

Charge of electron = n × e     
where e is the charge of an electron and n is the excess electrons

The oil drop would be attracted to the positive plate, which is the upper one. So, the electric force on the electron is upwards.

The weight of the oil drop acts downwards.

Since the oil drop is stationary, the resultant force on it is zero.

(Upward) Electric force = (Downward) Weight
Electric field strength (E) × charge (n×e) = mg
E × n×e = mg                         

[but E = V / d]
(V/d) × n×e = mg
n = mgd / eV


  1. A microscopic oil drop of mass 1.1x10-12 kg and charge 3 e is suspended

    in the gap between two parallel metal plates.

    The separation between the plates is 10.68 mm.

    Calculate the potential difference between the plates, in kV (i.e. V x 103), to the nearest kV.

    1. go to


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