Tuesday, November 6, 2018

An air-conditioning unit is supported by a rigid beam PQ, as shown.

Question 13
An air-conditioning unit is supported by a rigid beam PQ, as shown.

Which diagram shows the directions of the horizontal and vertical forces acting on the ends of the beam?

Reference: Past Exam Paper – November 2016 Paper 11 Q16

Answer: B.

Since the air-conditioning unit is in equilibrium, the resultant force on the system is zero.

The weight of the unit acts on the beam PQ. Since the beam is inclined the force appears along the beam, from P to Q.

Breaking down this force results in a component to the right and a component downwards.

Now, end Q of the beam is in contact with the wall. From Newton’s 3rd law, the wall would also exert a (contact) force on the beam at Q. This force is from Q to P (opposite in direction of the initial force).

Resolving this force gives a component upwards and a component to the left.

We can still observe that the overall force on the system is zero.


  1. Why does the weight act along the beam? Isn't weight always act downwards?

    1. it acts downwards, but since the beam is not vertical but inclined the force is experienced along the beam.

      for example, try to hold a book with your hand vertically up and in another case, with your hand (and arm) up but inclined.
      won't you feel the force along your arm?

  2. i love your website dude you are doing an amazing job!


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