Monday, November 12, 2018

9702 November 2015 Paper 13 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

  • 9702 November 2015 Paper 13 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

1 A                  11 C                21 C                31 A
2 D                  12 D                22 C                32 A
3 A                  13 D                23 C                33 D
4 B                  14 A                24 D                34 A
5 B                  15 B                25 B                35 A
6 B                  16 D                26 B                36 A
7 A                  17 B                27 B                37 D
8 B                  18 C                28 C                38 C
9 C                  19 A                29 B                39 C
10 C                20 B                30 A                40 D

8 - Ans: B.
A cheetah and an antelope are 100 m apart. The cheetah spots the antelope and runs towards it.

9 - Ans: C.

A boy throws a stone with a horizontal velocity of 10 m s-1 from the top of a building. The height of the building is 8.0 m.

11 - Ans: C.
A rocket of mass 30 000 kg sits on a launch pad on the Earth’s surface. The rocket motors provide an upward force of 330 kN on the rocket.

15 - Ans: B.
A cross-shaped structure, freely pivoted at O, has arms of lengths 5.0 m, 4.0 m, 3.0 m and 2.0 m.

19 - Ans: A.
A U-tube has one arm of area of cross-section A and the other of cross-section 4A.

29 - Ans: B.
Two parallel plates R and S are 2 mm apart in a vacuum. An electron with charge –1.6 × 10-19 C moves along a straight line in the electric field between the plates.

30 - Ans: A.
Two parallel, conducting plates with air between them are placed close to one another.

33 - Ans: D.
Tensile strain may be measured by the change in electrical resistance of a device called a strain gauge.

34 - Ans: A.
In the circuit shown, lamp P is rated 250 V, 50 W and lamp Q is rated 250 V, 200 W. The two lamps are connected in series to a 250 V power supply.

35 - Ans: A.
The cooling system in many houses is controlled by three electrical switches.

37 - Ans: D.
A network of resistors, each of resistance 1 Ω, is connected as shown.


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