Wednesday, October 10, 2018

On Fig. 10.1, sketch the variation with λ of the maximum kinetic energy EMAX of the electrons emitted from the surface

Question 4
(a) A metal surface is illuminated with light of a single wavelength λ.
On Fig. 10.1, sketch the variation with λ of the maximum kinetic energy EMAX of the electrons emitted from the surface.
On your graph mark, with the symbol λ­0, the threshold wavelength.

Fig. 10.1

(b) A neutron is moving in a straight line with momentum p.
The de Broglie wavelength associated with this neutron is λ.
On Fig. 10.2, sketch the variation with momentum p of the de Broglie wavelength λ.

Fig. 10.2

[Total: 5]

Reference: Past Exam Paper – November 2017 Paper 42 Q10

λ0 marked and graph line passing through EMAX = 0 at λ = λ0
graph line with λ always < λ0                                                                  
negative gradient with correct concave curvature    

{Energy of photon: E = hf = hc / λ
Energy from photon = Work function + KE
Energy is required for the electrons to break free from the metal. The remaining energy goes as kinetic energy.

The minimum energy required to liberate an electron is called the work function which occurs at a threshold frequency f0 and corresponding threshold wavelength λ0 (this is the max wavelength for emission. Photons of greater wavelength will not cause emission).

If the energy of the photon is equal to the work function, no energy goes as KE.
→ So, when λ = λ0, EMAX = 0.

The threshold wavelength λ0 is the maximum wavelength for photoemission. Photons of greater wavelength will not cause emission).
→ So, the line is always in the region < λ0.

Energy of photon: E = hf = hc / λ
KE or EMAX = Energy of photon – Work function
OR EMAX = hc / λ  (– Work function)
The EMAX is inversely proportional to λ. The graph is that of an inverse relationship, having a negative gradient.}

curve with negative gradient and correct concave curvature           
not touching either axis                                                                      

The de Broglie wavelength and the momentum are related by the equation:
λ = h / p
This is an inverse relationship graph. The graph does not touch either axis.


  1. why does the graph for De Broglie wavelength and momentum not touch either axis? also in the first graph for Emax and wavelength why does the curve not touch the energy (y) axis

    1. due to the inverse relationship.

      If wavelength is zero, the momentum would be infinite - but this does not exist.

      Also, if the wavelength is zero, it means that it does not actually exist.

      The same applies for the first graph.

  2. Why do we need to show a curve in the wavelength against momentum graph? Why can’t we just draw a straight line with a negative gradient?

    1. As explained above, formula relating Emax and λ is
      Emax = (hc/λ) – Work function

      For an equation to be a straight line, it sould follow the equation y = mx + c
      The above equation does not follow the equation of a straight line. Instead, it follows
      y = 1/x
      Emax = hc / λ (– Work function)

      So graph should have a shape similar to a graph of y = 1/x

      If the axes were Emax against (1/λ), then a straight line would have been obtained.

      A straight line with negative wavelength would be of the form:
      y = -mx + c


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