Monday, October 8, 2018

9702 June 2016 Paper 11 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

  • 9702 June 2016 Paper 11 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

1 B                  11 C                21 B                31 D
2 C                  12 A                22 A                32 C
3 C                  13 B                23 B                33 D
4 A                  14 B                24 A                34 A
5 D                  15 C                25 D                35 A
6 B                  16 C                26 D                36 B
7 A                  17 D                27 D                37 B
8 D                  18 A                28 A                38 A
9 A                  19 D                29 D                39 D
10 D                20 C                30 C                40 A

6 - Ans: B.
A car accelerates uniformly from velocity u to velocity v in time t. On the graph, which area equals the distance travelled by the car in time t ?

7 - Ans: A.
A student uses a spring gun to launch a steel ball with a constant horizontal velocity. He varies the height h of the gun and measures the horizontal displacement r of the ball when it hits the ground.

8 - Ans: D.
Two cars X and Y are positioned as shown at time t = 0. They are travelling in the same direction.

10 - Ans: D. See solution 932 at
Two spheres approach each other along the same straight line. Their speeds are u1 and u2 before collision.

11 - Ans: C.
The diagram shows a man standing on a platform that is attached to a flexible pipe.

15 - Ans: C.
The diameter of a solid metal sphere is measured using a micrometer screw gauge.

16 - Ans: C.
Some gas in a cylinder is supplied with thermal energy q.

17 - Ans: D.
The power P required to move an object through a medium at constant speed depends on the speed v and the resistive force F acting on the object.

19 - Ans: D.
A hammer with 10 J of kinetic energy hits a nail and pushes it 5.0 mm into a plank.

21 - Ans: B. See solution 534 at
A sample of material is stretched by a tensile force to a point beyond its elastic limit.

28 - Ans: A.
A charged particle is moving in a uniform electric field. For the motion of the particle due to the field, which quantity has a constant non-zero value?

29 - Ans: D.
Which diagram could represent the electric field lines between two oppositely charged conducting surfaces?

32 - Ans: C. See solution 968 at
A 100 Ω resistor conducts a current with changing direction and magnitude, as shown.

35 - Ans: A.
There is a current from P to R in the resistor network shown. The potential difference (p.d.) between P and Q is 3 V.


  1. please give explanation for question 19

  2. Question 10 is already solved in doubts help page 192, question 932. You could add the link here as well, since it is exactly the same question

  3. why is the answer for 28 A?


If it's a past exam question, do not include links to the paper. Only the reference.
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