Thursday, February 1, 2018

9702 November 2015 Paper 12 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

  • 9702 November 2015 Paper 12 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

1 C                  11 C                21 D                31 A
2 B                  12 A                22 D                32 A
3 C                  13 C                23 C                33 A
4 B                  14 C                24 B                34 C
5 D                  15 A                25 D                35 A
6 A                  16 B                26 D                36 B
7 B                  17 C                27 A                37 A
8 C                  18 C                28 D                38 D
9 A                  19 B                29 C                39 C
10 A                20 B                30 C                40 D

5 - Ans: D.

7 - Ans: B.
A boy throws a ball vertically upwards. It rises to a maximum height, where it is momentarily at rest,and then falls back to his hands.

9 - Ans: A.
A ball is released from rest above a horizontal surface. It strikes the surface and bounces several times.

10 - Ans: A.
A bus takes a time of 25 s to reach a constant speed while travelling in a straight line. A graph of speed v against time t is shown.

12 - Ans: A.
A mass of 0.20 kg is suspended from the lower end of a light spring. A second mass of 0.10 kg is suspended from the first mass by a thread.

13 - Ans: C.
An object of mass m travelling with speed v has a head-on collision with another object of mass m travelling with speed v in the opposite direction.

16 - Ans: B.
A car of mass 500 kg is at rest at point X on a slope, as shown. The car’s brakes are released and the car rolls down the slope

20 - Ans: B.
The diagram shows the cross-section of an Olympic-size swimming pool filled with water.

21 - Ans: D.

A force acts on a wire to produce extension e. The same force then acts on a second wire of the same material, but of half the diameter and three times the length of the first wire.


25 - Ans: D.
Which of the following wave motions may be used to demonstrate the phenomenon of polarisation?

28 - Ans: D.
A stationary wave is set up in the tube with the same frequency as the tuning fork. The lower end of the tube is sealed.

37 - Ans: A.
The electromotive force of a power supply is 120 V. It delivers a current of 1.2 A to a resistor of resistance 80 Ω and a current of 0.40 A to another resistor, as shown.

38 - Ans: D.
The diagram shows a four-terminal box connected to a battery and two ammeters.


  1. Separation between atoms is the radius of a single atom or is it it’s diameter.

    جزاك الله خيراً

    This site is treasure.

    1. It's the diameter. we need to consider the radius of each atom, thus it's equal to a diameter.

      For J16 P12 Q15, go to

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  2. how do you solve question 37... i tried in several different ways but ultimately failed in getting the right answer

  3. Please explain question number 12 24 and 29

  4. Can you please explain Q28 in this paper?

  5. Hi, I can't seem to find worked solutions for 2015 paper13 november, is it unavailable?

    1. the link has been added at

  6. Can you please explain Q10 in this paper?
    Thank you


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