Tuesday, December 5, 2017

9702 June 2015 Paper 11 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

  • 9702 June 2015 Paper 11 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

1 C                  11 C                21 C                31 D
2 B                  12 C                22 A                32 B
3 A                  13 A                23 B                33 B
4 D                  14 C                24 D                34 D
5 A                  15 C                25 B                35 C
6 B                  16 C                26 D                36 D
7 D                  17 C                27 A                37 A
8 C                  18 B                28 B                38 C
9 D                  19 D                29 D                39 C
10 D                20 A                30 B                40 B

Notes for some specific questions:

3 - Ans: A.

4 - Ans: D.
A whale produces sound waves of frequency 5 Hz. The waves are detected by a microphone and displayed on an oscilloscope.

8 - Ans: C.
An insect jumps with an initial vertical velocity of 1.0 m s-1, reaching a maximum height of 3.5×10-2 m. Assume the deceleration is uniform.

9 - Ans: D.

12 - Ans: C.
A child on a sledge slides down a hill with acceleration a. The hill makes an angle θ with the horizontal.

13 - Ans: A. See solution 425 at
A box of mass 8.0 kg rests on a horizontal rough surface. A string attached to the box passes over a smooth pulley and supports a 2.0 kg mass at its other end.

15 - Ans: C. See solution 1054 at

17 - Ans: C. See solution 1128 at
Which statement is correct?

18 - Ans: B.
The diagram shows a pump called a hydraulic ram. In one such pump the long approach pipe holds 500 kg of water.

19 - Ans: D. See solution 1017 at
A conveyor belt is driven at velocity v by a motor. Sand drops vertically on to the belt at a rate of m kg s–1.

21 - Ans: C. See solution 332 at
What is the shortest distance between the centres of two adjacent atoms?

23 - Ans: B.
The variation with applied force of the extension of a spring is shown in the graph.

24 - Ans: D. See solution 1065 at

25 - Ans: B.
A wave of frequency 15 Hz travels at 24 m s-1 through a medium.

29 - Ans: D.

35 - Ans: C.
The charge that an electric battery can deliver is specified in ampere-hours.

36 - Ans: D.
A battery with e.m.f. E and internal resistance r is connected in series with a variable external resistor.

38 - Ans: C. See solution 993 at
A wire RST is connected to another wire XY as shown.  Each wire is 100 cm long with a resistance per unit length of 10 Ω m–1.


  1. I would like to know the solution to question 13 of June 2015 P11.
    Thank you.

  2. Please give a detailed explanation for Q29.
    I can’t explain the need for two loudspeakers at each end...how does this affect the formation of stationary waves.
    Does it affect the pattern of waves?.

    JazakAllah Khairen

  3. Please kindly give a detailed explanation for the 29 question.
    Explain the effect of two loudspeakers on the formation and pattern of stationary waves.

    JazakAllah Khairen

    1. An explanation has been added. Hope this helps.

  4. You have no idea how much this blog has helped me. Thank you!

  5. Replies
    1. this is similar to question 450 at

  6. Can you explain num 4 please?

  7. Can you please explain question 8

  8. Question 21 please. Thanks for help. :)


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