Saturday, December 3, 2016

Car X is travelling at half the speed of car Y. Car X has twice the mass of car Y.

Question 1
Car X is travelling at half the speed of car Y. Car X has twice the mass of car Y.
Which statement is correct?
A Car X has half the kinetic energy of car Y.
B Car X has one quarter of the kinetic energy of car Y.
C Car X has twice the kinetic energy of car Y.
D The two cars have the same kinetic energy.

Reference: Past Exam Paper – June 2004 Paper 1 Q17

Solution 1:
Answer: A.

Let the speed of car X = v.                 Speed of car Y = 2v
Let the mass of car X = 2m.               Mass of car Y = m

Kinetic energy = ½ mv2
KE of car X = ½ (2m) v2 = mv2
KE of car Y = ½ (m) (2v)2 = 2 mv2  

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