Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Physics 9702 Doubts | Help Page 225

  • Physics 9702 Doubts | Help Page 225

Question 1069: [Matter > Deformation]
The diagram represents a steel tube with wall thickness w which is small in comparison with the diameter of the tube.

The tube is under tension, caused by a force T, parallel to the axis of the tube. To reduce the stress in the material of the tube, it is proposed to thicken the wall.
The tube diameter and the tension being constant, which wall thickness gives half the stress?
A w / 2                        B 2 w                        C 2w                           D 4w

Reference: Past Exam Paper – June 2015 Paper 12 Q23

Solution 1069:
Go to

Question 1070: [Dynamics > Collision]
Two equal masses X and Y are moving towards each other on a frictionless air track as shown. The masses make an elastic collision.

Which row gives possible velocities for the two masses after the collision?

velocity of X                           velocity of Y
A         zero                                         20 cm s–1 to the right
B         10 cm s–1 to the right               10 cm s–1 to the right
C         20 cm s–1 to the left                 zero
D         30 cm s–1 to the left                 50 cm s–1 to the right

Reference: Past Exam Paper – June 2008 Paper 1 Q10

Solution 1070:
Answer: D.
For an elastic collision,
Relative speed of approach = Relative speed of separation

Since the masses are moving towards each other initially, they are ‘approaching’.
Relative speed of approach = 50 + 30 = 80 cm s–1

The relative speed of separation should also be 80 cm s–1.
A and C are incorrect since their relative speed is 20 cm s–1.
B is incorrect since the relative speed is zero.

For choice D, mass X is moving to the left while mass Y is moving to the right – so they are separating.
Relative speed of separation = 30 + 50 = 80 cm s–1

Question 1071: [Pressure]
A rectangular metal bar exerts a pressure of 15 200 Pa on the horizontal surface on which it rests.
If the height of the metal bar is 80 cm, what is the density of the metal?
A 190 kg m–3               B 1900 kg m–3             C 19 000 kg m–3          D 190 000 kg m–3

Reference: Past Exam Paper – November 2009 Paper 11 Q19 & Paper 12 Q18

Solution 1071:
Answer: B.
Pressure = Force / Area
Here, the force is the weight of the metal bar. [Weight = mg]

Mass m = Density ρ × Volume V       [m = ρV]
Volume V = base area A × height h of metal bar       [V = Ah]
Weight = mg = (ρV) × g = ρAhg

Pressure P = ρAhg / A = hρg

{OR simply start with P = hρg}

{g may be approximated to 10 ms–2 here.}
Density ρ = P / hg = 15200 / (0.80 × 10) = 1900kg m–3


  1. please consider answering Q20 9702/12/M/J/13

  2. 9702/12/M/J/15 q36 thanks

    1. See solution 1118 at

  3. in solution 1069 i dont get how w is proportional to the area of the annulus?


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