Monday, November 3, 2014

9702 November 2009 Paper 22 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

  • 9702 November 2009 Paper 22 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

Paper 22

Question 1
Simple pendulum may be used to determine value for acceleration of free fall g. Measurements are made of length L of pendulum and period T of oscillation. Values obtained, with uncertainties, are:
T = (1.93 ± 0.03) s
L = (92 ± 1) cm
Percentage uncertainty in measurement of
Period T:
% Uncertainty in T = (0.03/1.93) x 100% = EITHER 1.55%    OR 1.6%

Length L:
% Uncertainty in L = (1/92) x 100% = EITHER 1.09%   OR 1.1%

Relationship between T, L and g is given by              g = 4π2L / T2. Using answers in (a), percentage uncertainty in value of g:
% uncertainty in g = 1.09% + 2(1.55%) = EITHER 4.2%   OR 4.3%

Values of L and T used to calculate value of g as 9.751ms-2.
Reference to measurements of L and T, why it would not be correct to quote value of g as 9.751ms-2:
EITHER The value has more significant figures than the data available
OR The uncertainty of ± 0.4 renders more than 2 s.f. meaningless.

Use answer in (b) to determine absolute uncertainty in g. State value of g, with its uncertainty, to appropriate number of significant figures:
Δg = ([4.2/100] x 9.751 =) ± 0.41 / ± 0.42
g = (9.8 ± 0.4) ms-2 

Question 2
1 similarity between the processes of evaporation and boiling:
Choose any 1:
Both involve a (phase) change from liquid to gas / vapour
Thermal energy is required to maintain constant temperature

2 differences between the processes of evaporation and boiling:
Evaporation takes place at the surface while boiling takes place in the body of the liquid.
Evaporation occurs at all temperatures while boiling occurs at one temperature.

Titanium metal has density of 4.5gcm-3. Cube of titanium of mass 48g contains 6.0x1023 atoms.
Volume of cube:
Volume = (mass/density = 48/4.5 =) 10.7cm3

Volume occupied by each atom in cube:
Volume occupied by each atom = 10.7 / (6.0x1023) = 1.8x10-23cm3

Separation of atoms in cube: 
{The centres of the atoms are found at the corners of the cube. So, the separation between the atoms is equal to the length of a side of the cube.

For more details, check Question332 at Physics 9702 Doubts | Help Page 58 -} 
Separation of atoms = (1.8x10-23)1/3 = 2.6x10-8m

Question 3
{Detailed explanations for this question is available as Solution 517 at Physics 9702 Doubts | Help Page 100 -}

Question 4
Strain energy (elastic potential energy) is the ability to do work as a result of a change of shape of an object / stretched etc

Spring that obeys Hooke’s law has spring constant k. Show that energy E stored in spring when it has been extended elastically by amount x is given by E = ½ kx2:
Work done = average force x distance moved (in direction of the force)
EITHER Work = ½ Fx           OR Work is area under the F/x graph which is ½ Fx
(Hooke’s law) F = kx
So, work / energy = (½ (kx) x =) ½ kx2

Light spring of unextended length 14.2cm suspended vertically from fixed point, as illustrated. Mass of weight 3.8N hung from end of spring, as shown. Length of spring is now 16.3cm. Additional force F then extends spring so that its length becomes 17.8cm, as shown. Spring obeys Hooke’s law and elastic limit of spring not exceeded.
Show spring constant of spring is 1.8Ncm-1:
k = (F/x =) 3.8 / 2.1 = 1.8Ncm-1

For extension of spring from length of 16.3cm to length of 17.8cm,
Change in gravitational potential energy of mass on spring:
ΔEp = mgΔh    or W Δh = 3.8 x (1.5x10-2) = 0.057J

Show that change in elastic potential energy of spring is 0.077J:
(At length 16.3cm, extension, x = 16.3 – 14.2 = 2.1cm = 0.021m. At length 17.8cm, extension, x = 17.8 – 14.2 = 3.6cm = 0.036m)
ΔEs = ½ (1.8x102) (0.0362 – 0.0212) = 0.077J

Work done by force F:
Work done = 0.077 – 0.057 = 0.020J

Question 5
A uniform string is held between a fixed point P and a variable-frequency oscillator, as shown in Fig. 5.1. ...

Question 6
{Detailed explanations for this question is available as Solution 661 at Physics 9702 Doubts | Help Page 132 -}

Question 7
Tungsten-184 (18474W) and tungsten-185 (18574W) are 2 isotopes of tungsten. Tungsten-184 us stable but tungsten-185 undergoes beta-decay to form rhenium (Re).
Isotopes are EITHER forms of the same element OR atoms / nuclei with number of protons where the atoms / nuclei contain different numbers of neutrons.

β-decay of nuclei of tungsten-185 is spontaneous and random.
Spontaneous decay is a decay which is not affected by environmental factors

Random decay is a decay in which EITHER the time of decay (of a nucleus) cannot be predicted OR the nucleus has a constant probability (to decay) in a given a time.

Complete nuclear equation for β-decay of tungsten-185 nucleus:
18574W - - ->     18575Re             +          0-1β


  1. How do we calculate and identify the phase difference? :)

    1. look at question 42 at

      it's explained there

  2. please draw the vector for q 3b

    1. The details for question 3 has been updated. See if it helps

  3. can you please give solution for november 2009 paper 21 question 6(b)?

    1. See question 612 at

  4. can you please provide explanation for the following questions?
    June 2006 Q2c(ii)
    Nov 2009 Q6d(ii)
    Nov 2010 Q6b(ii) part 1
    Nov 2012 Q4c(ii)

    1. June 2006 Paper 2 Q2 is explained as solution 13 at

  5. can you please explain the following:
    June 2006 Q2c(iii)
    Nov 2009/22 Q6d(ii)
    Nov 2010/23 Q6b(ii) part 1
    Nov 2012/23 Q4c(ii)

    1. They are explained at

  6. Please help me with Q7 9702/21/ON 2009

    1. Check solution 412 at

  7. (Q5)How is the amplitude of the vibrations at point Y A and not less than A?

  8. For o/n 2009 q 5 (b) why is the phase difference between X and Y equal to 180 degrees? The path difference between X and Y is equal to 3/4 lambda, so phase difference should be 270 degrees

    1. The explanations have been edited. See if it helps

  9. Could you please solve 2009 - 21 question 5

    1. see solution 251 at

  10. Admin I just wanted to Thank you for all your help this website really helped me alot in Alevels

  11. In question 4
    Why have you multiplied 1.8 by 100
    Why not divide to get in m

  12. In mark scheme its divided by 100 but after calculations answer is wrong help

  13. I got it sorry for bothering too much


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