Monday, June 2, 2014

9702 November 2013 Paper 21 22 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

  • 9702 November 2013 Paper 21 & 22 Worked Solutions | A-Level Physics

Paper 21 and Paper 22 are similar.

Question 1
(a)        Choose any 2 :
Kelvin (K), Ampere (amp/A), Mole (mol), Candela (Cd)

(i) Work = Force x Distance = (Mass x Acceleration) x Distance : kg x ms-2 x m
Work : kg m2 s-2
Energy = ½ mv2 or mc2 : kg (ms-1)2 = kg m2 s-2

(ii) Density = mass/ volume : kgm-3
Acceleration of free fall, g : ms-2
Cross-sectional area of wire, A : m2
Original length, l0 : m

Therefore, C : kg m2 s-2 / (kg m-3)2 (ms-2)2 m2 (m)3 = kg-1 ms-2 

Question 2

Time-base setting = 0.20μscm-1
That is, 1cm (1 cell) represents 0.20μs
Speed of pulse, v = 3 x 108 ms-1
Number of cells between peaks of the 2 pulses = 4

Speed, v = distance, d / time, t

Therefore, distance travelled by pulse, d = v x t
t = 4 x 0.20 = 0.80μs
d = 3 x 108 x 0.80 x 10-6 = 240 m

Since the pulse travels from the source to the reflector, and from the reflector back to the source,
Distance between source and reflector = 240/2 = 120m  

Speed of sound = 300ms-1
Speed of light = 3 x 108 ms-1

Time taken by sound wave = 240 / 300 = 0.8s
This time corresponds to 4 cells (4cm) since the distance 240m corresponds to 4 cells.

4 cells represent 0.8s
1 cell represent 0.8/4 = 0.2s

Time-base setting is 0.20scm-1            [unit required]

Question 3
{Detailed explanations for this question is available as Solution 673 at Physics 9702 Doubts | Help Page 135 -}

Question 4
The torque of a couple is the product of one of the forces multiplied by the perpendicular distance between the forces.

Weight at P – vertically down
Choose any 1:
Normal reaction - vertically up
Contact force at P – at point of contact with the pin

Torque = 35 x 0.25 x 2 = 17.5 ≈ 18 Nm

The two 35N forces are equal and opposite and the weight and the upward / contact / reaction force are equal and opposite.

The wheel is not in equilibrium since the (resultant) torque is not zero.

Question 5
{Detailed explanations for this question is available as Solution 540 at Physics 9702 Doubts | Help Page 106 -}

Question 6
{Detailed explanations for this question is available as Solution 389 at Physics 9702 Doubts | Help Page 72 -}

Question 7
Choose any 1:
The direction of the fields is the same.
Fields are uniform.
Constant electric field strength
E = V/d where E is the uniform electric field between the 2 parallel plates, separated by the distance d and V is the electric potential. 

Reduce the potential difference across the plates
Increase the separation of the plates

α-particles have opposite charge to β-particles (deflection in opposite direction)
β-particles have a range of velocities OR energies (different deflections) while α-particles all have the same velocity OR energy (constant deflection)
α-particles are more massive (do not use ‘heavier’) (deflection is less for greater field strength)

W = 234, X = 90, Y = 4 and Z = 2

A = 32, B = 16, C = 0 and D = -1



  1. hi can i have solution for paper 42 nov 2010

  2. For question 6(b)(II) to calculate the current in the wires , the resistance we use is 39.08 ohm, (which is included the resistance of heater)
    But however, to calculate the power loss in the wires , in question 6(b)(III) ,the resistance used is only the two wires. Why? And how do I know when should I use which resistance

  3. Hi i didnt understand in question 5(a)(ii) why the distance was divided by 4? If you know please help and explain

  4. I didnt understand question 5 (a(ii) why the distance was divided by 4? If u can explain more this will be very helpful thanks!

  5. can i please have the solution to may june 2013 Q6 Paper 21.

    1. See solution 676 at

  6. How is resultant force different from resultant torque? Why is it that when resultant torque is zero, resultant force is not zero?

    1. force and torque are 2 different quantities.

      torque is the same as moment.
      moment = force x perpendicular distance ...

      force is in newton and moment is in Nm.

  7. Hello, the answer for question 1b is wrong *.*


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