Friday, November 30, 2018

A lorry moves up a road that is inclined at 9.0° to the horizontal, as shown in Fig. 2.1.

Question 15
(a) (i) Define power. [1]

(ii) Use your definition in (i) to show that power may also be expressed as the product of
force and velocity. [2]

(b) A lorry moves up a road that is inclined at 9.0° to the horizontal, as shown in Fig. 2.1.

Fig. 2.1

The lorry has mass 2500 kg and is travelling at a constant speed of 8.5 m s-1. The force due to air resistance is negligible.

(i) Calculate the useful power from the engine to move the lorry up the road. [3]

(ii) State two reasons why the rate of change of potential energy of the lorry is equal to the power calculated in (i). [2]

Reference: Past Exam Paper – June 2014 Paper 21 Q2

(a) (i) Power is defined as the work (done) per unir time (taken)                             

Work done = Force × Displacement (in direction of the force)
So, power = Force × Displacement / time = Force × Velocity
{Displacement / time = velocity}

Weight = mg   

{The weight can be resolved into any two components as long as these are perpendicular to each other. For convenience, we will use the components that are easiest to find and more useful in this calculation.

The lorry exerts a force along the slope which is equal to the component of the weight along the slope. So, the useful component here is that of the weight along the slope.

It can be deduced that (the basics are done in maths) the angle between the weight and the perpendicular component to the slope is 9°, as indicated in the diagram.

Resolving gives:
Component of weight along slope = mg sin 9°}

Power, P = Fv = (2500 × 9.81 × sin 9°) × 8.5 = 33 (32.6 kW)

There is no gain or loss of kinetic energy. {since the speed is constant}      
There is no work (done) against air resistance. {air resistance is negligible}

Thursday, November 29, 2018

A loaded aeroplane has a total mass of 1.2×105 kg while climbing after take-off. It climbs at an angle of 23°to the horizontal with a speed of 50 m s–1.

Question 14
A loaded aeroplane has a total mass of 1.2×105 kg while climbing after take-off. It climbs at an angle of 23°to the horizontal with a speed of 50 m s–1. What is the rate at which it is gaining potential energy at this time?
A 2.3 × 106 J s-1
B 2.5 × 106 J s-1
C 2.3 × 107 J s-1
D 2.5 × 107 J s-1

Reference: Past Exam Paper – June 2015 Paper 13 Q18

Answer: C.

In this question, we need to manipulate the formulae to obtain quantities with value already given in the question.

Rate of gaining potential energy = Gain in PE / time

GPE = mgh     where h is the vertical height
So, to consider the gain in GPE, we need to consider the vertical component of speed

The aeroplane climbs at a speed of 50 m s-1 at an angle of 23° to the horizontal.
Vertical component of speed = 50 sin 23°

Rate of gaining potential energy = Gain in PE / time
Rate of gaining potential energy = mgh / t = mg(h/t)

(h/t) is the vertical speed at which the aeroplane climbs.

Rate of gaining potential energy = 1.2×105 × 9.81 × 50 sin23°
Rate of gaining potential energy = 2.3×107 J s-1